StampFlow IoT/RFID workflow

StampFlow realizes seamless linkage with IoT equipment and radio frequency (RFID) devices.

StampFlow is a completely new communications tool that helps your company build up a workflow in a system for your usual everyday work, and also for sudden urgent work. This tool establishes smooth collaboration between management and the front line. You can link your IoT equipment, RFID devices, and other equipment with built-in sensors with tools, members and other materials, including the relevant staff. Then your staff can share information, check on-site status, convey urgent additional work securely, and check and report work execution through smartphones and tablets. This will enable unitary monitoring on such smart devices and contribute to drastic reduction of time spent on complicated inspection and management.

Patented: Wizard function with functional stamp.

<Application proposal>

Field inspection and management solutions linking management, sites, and machines

You can link your IoT equipment, RFID devices, and other equipment with built-in sensors with tools, members and other materials, including the relevant staff. Then your staff can share information, check on-site status, convey urgent additional work securely, and check and report work execution through smartphones and tablets. This will enable unitary monitoring on such smart devices and contribute to drastic reduction of time spent on complicated inspection and management.

<Product features>

The screen configuration like a message app enables intuitive use by people of all generations. The operations are simple, clear, and easy to see visually. The product has functional stamp functionality, so decision making is totally supported about what to do next. Text input and also smart device voice input are supported, so you can transmit information quickly in real time as if giving instructions by telephone. It is easy to upload and browse images, videos, and various files even in a secure environment, so you can do your work at any time or place with any device.

<Case Study>

Takeout and return system for tool and measuring instrument management

Our takeout and return system is used to systemize rental and return processes, to simplify inventory taking, and to systemize opening and closing. Other uses of the system include efficiently investigating and finding lost items, detecting and preventing illegal takeout, and maintaining important items under batch management.

Our system supports the management of equipment, fixtures, tools, and members by intuitive operations across departmental boundaries. Support ranges from complex management tasks to sharing important information across departments and sections. A workflow can be easily re-verified by tracking the talk history, so the system contributes to solving critical issues in and outside a company. Our system enables human resources to be arranged efficiently, promotes passing down technologies, and makes information sharing efficient.
